Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hey girls, I have some fun homework for you to do over the Christmas break.

First of all I want you to All come back with your right splits down. I know it won't be easy. But, if you will practice EVERYDAY I know you can do it.

Second I want you to practice these two combinations. They are a little tricky so I have videos of them for you to watch.

Third: I need you to work on your turns. Please practice your PIROUETTE and CHAINE, FAN, ILLUSION at least 5 times a day.

And Last, PLEASE run your dances. We will only have a few practices before the recital and I want you to really look polished and beautiful.

Thank you for being such dedicated dancers. This team is AWESOME!


Amandawhatever said...

Was that lonica and alex wow this is amanda wow you have to do all of that so do we well see ya lonica is funny love amana lonica is funny

Hannah said...

Hey this is Hannah Hogan. Um what is a Chaine, fan, illusion?